Rizzle Kicks, 'Down with the trumpets', 'Hip Hop Genre'
The Song begins with a cassette being open and inserted into a cassette player, play is pressed and the song begins.
The cassette player is then picked up and a two shot of both artists from 'Rizzle Kicks' is shown, the cassette player also has the two artists on screen, this could be representing another day in the past?
A cut is used from the bedroom to a beach front, in both shots the cassette player is relatively in the same shot, it is then pulled away from the camera to reveal the second scenes location.
As they begin to walk to the beach front we see another two shot of the duo walking down a sea town, this shot uses a low depth of field to draw all focus towards the cassette players which is the item of importance, the duo continue the lyrics through the screen on the player, representing parallel action.
Through out the song we get cuts back to the bedroom with the duo, this breaks up consistency in the video by changing location and keeping viewers interest.
This two shot shows one of the duo placing the player on the floor, this tells the viewers they have reached there destination.
This shot a long shot of a man walking past the duo suddenly stops, this shot gives the impression the man has been effected by the music as soon as he becomes parallel with the speakers.
The scene continues with more passers by entering the long shot and beginning to dance, there a section of the song were the duo repeat these words 'down with, down with the', like the cassette player is stuck, this is also shown in the scene with the clip being rewound and playing a small section again.
This shot uses a visual representation when the words 'get down with the trumpets' is used at the same time a man playing the trumpet enters and exits the frame.
This scene shows the two meeting with a shady character, he's clearly older than the duo which tells the audience he's not a friend of either the two, and his outfit make the audience represent him as a form of dealer.
Here we see the dealer has traded them a trumpet, the posture from the artist and not seeing the money he's trading appears shady.
This shot reinforces that he has scammed the dealer with his hunched body posture and facial expression.
This mid shot shows the dealer holding monopoly money, which confirms the suspicions that the duo have scammed the dealer, when the dealer raises the money to the sky to check for water marks shows the dealer is not very bright, in the same shot the dealer turns and begins to chase the duo.
A long shot is now used showing the chase, also showing the space between to the two.
A tracking shot follows the two running between two beach shelters and out of shot until they reach steps and hide behind the wall.
The same tracking shot is used as the dealer runs through the beach shelters to show he is still on the right route, but he leaps over the wall, this scene uses a slow motion shot to show the close encounter with the dealer.
They duo continue to sing the lyrics and relax from the wall, one of the two start to play the trumpet with tells the viewers they are relaxed and the chase with the dealer has ended.
A new scene and location is now being used which could be representing a new day, with also the introduction to a new prop, the football, he also still has the trumpet.
Near the end of the song a new set of cuts are used where one of the duo would fall against a wall or another surface, the clip was then cut as they bounce of another surface in a new location.
This shot is a cut after the shot shown above where the artist falls to the floor and bounces in a new shot off a wall, after a sequence of these shots the artists stop singing and a short repeat of each location is played, this lets the viewer know the song has ended.